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Relating to God – 7- Ministering for God

Each of us is a project God is working on. When we interact to enhance, build up or help others in some way, we become a fellow worker with God. God draws people into relationship with him through relationships with others. Meeting people's needs is the Biblical way to make disciples. How can we best minister for God?

Relating to God – 7- Ministering for God2021-05-26T11:39:02-06:00

Beatitudes – 6 – Pure in Heart

In the 6th Beatitude Jesus tells us we need to be pure in heart. What is that exactly? Some think of it as being good. But there’s more to it than that. It’s been said there are only two ways of life – God’s way and our way. In James 4:8 we are told, “Purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

Beatitudes – 6 – Pure in Heart2021-05-21T12:07:24-06:00

Feast of Tabernacles, Healing Broken Hearts

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.

Feast of Tabernacles, Healing Broken Hearts2021-05-20T13:12:00-06:00

True Spirituality – 13 – Freedom in Christ

Paul talked about being Free in Christ. What did he mean by that? Are we not supposed to be slaves to God? To understand more, order Freedom in Christ, part of our True Spirituality series.

True Spirituality – 13 – Freedom in Christ2021-05-23T13:45:16-06:00


Do you have the "scarcity mentality" or the "abundance mentality?" Which way is God's? Abundance delves into the issue as related to faith and anxiety.


True Spirituality – 3 – Walking Worthy

Paul introduced the idea that there is a logical response by us to Christ's sacrifice. What do you think it is? Learn more about it in Walking Worthy, part of the True Sprituality series.

True Spirituality – 3 – Walking Worthy2021-05-23T11:54:35-06:00

Spiritual Mentoring

Paul helped the younger Timothy Jesus style was one of mentoring, in his case, the spiritually younger. Do you have a spiritual mentor or are you mentoring someone who is younger in the faith? Consider your options and responsibilities in Spiritual Mentoring.

Spiritual Mentoring2021-05-20T12:56:43-06:00

True Spirituality – 1 – God Knows Best

What does it mean to be a truly spiritual person? There are as many thoughts about it as there are people. But what can we find in the Bible about this topic? Wouldn't what God has to say about being spiritual count more than our own ideas about it?

True Spirituality – 1 – God Knows Best2021-05-23T11:47:15-06:00

Spiritual & Natural Development – Twenty-five to Thirty-five

Humans develop in stages. Not exactly big news - everything that develops does it in stages. But did you know that for each stage of human development, there is a corresponding stage of spiritual growth too? And the most important of these comes first! Order the eighth of the series Spiritual Growth and Human Development and learn about the stage of human development, from 22-34 years of age, and the corresponging spritual piece.

Spiritual & Natural Development – Twenty-five to Thirty-five2021-05-23T14:56:45-06:00


Our Western culture has been called a dismissing society. We give up on each other easily. We put more stock in things and money that we do on relationships. We would rather talk on the phone that meet in person, we would rather text than talk on the phone. The less human contact we have, the better we like it. And yet the human brain is a completely relational creation. Our technology and culture flys in the face of of our nature. What can we do about it in our own lives? Order Authenticity for more on this topic.

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