Unlocking Your Full Potential – 7 – Has Your Mission Changed?
When we try with all our might to accomplish a mission and we can't succeed, sometimes the reason is that God has change our mission and we haven't caught on to it yet. Learn more about how to tell if you are still on the right track with God when it comes to your mission.
Unlocking Your Full Potential – 6 – Accomplishing Your Mission
Before people can fulfill their full potential, they need to work on the mission God has for them. Until that work is undertaken people are still functioning nominally. Where are you in the process?
Unlocking Your Full Potential – 5 – What is Your Gift?
When God calls us and we accept his calling, he places us in Christ’s body, the church. As members of the body we have an assigned mission. To help us accomplish our mission, we are each given a spiritual gift. What is your gift? Learn more about finding and using your gift in this presentation. It will help you unlock your full potential in Christ.
Unlocking Your Full Potential – 4 – What is Your Mission?
Many people scrabble about, intent on diffuse goals like “happiness,” or “success” yet oblivious to their true purpose. Many Christians do the same. Even though they have a vague idea of eternal life and a calling, they are oblivious to the mission God has for them, both now and in the future.
Unlocking Your Full Potential – 3 – Why Did God Call You?
Some who have been called by God have never understood His reasons for calling them. Because they don't see God's purpose for their lives, their potential remains locked a away, unused. Don't let that happen to you! Order Why Did God Call You?
Unlocking Your Full Potential – 2 – Why Were You Born?
In this world people cast about, blindly seeking happiness or satisfaction. But what really sattifies? To find out it's important to ask the right questions. The first question in our series, Unlocking your Full Potential, is Why Were You Born?
Unlocking Your Full Potential – 1 – Asking the Right Questions
So many people live way below their full potential, including many Christians. How can we reach higher? What holds us back? Learn more about it in Asking the Right Questions the first of our new series Unlocking Your Full Potential.