True Spirituality

There are so many ways people try to be “spiritual.” Most of them come from the human mind, however. How does God define it? What qualities does he consider spiritual? Explore what God says about it in this series, True Spirituality.


True Spirituality – 14 – Peace

Does peace follow you wherever you go? Or is drama your constant companion? For most of us we are somewhere between the extrremes. We wish we could be more at peace. For more about being at peace and being a peacemaker, order Peace, part of our True Spirituality series.


True Spirituality – 10 – Justice

Want to be encouraged? Think of it, when Christ returns, he will bring justice to the earth. No more big business manipulating corrupt govenrment. No more oppression of the weak. No more games, manipulation, deception, or spin. Justice is part of the True Sprituality series.