The Lord’s Prayer
One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord’s Prayer. But didn’t Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe He had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord’s Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.
Understanding Human Behavior – Part 5 – The Brain in a Congregation
›› Personal Support ›› Mission ›› Founders menusidebottom LifeResource Ministries Resource Understanding Human Behavior 5 #20090423humanbehavior This series delves into the function of the human brain to see how our past affects us in every day life, what we can do to change the things about ourselves that we don't like, and how we can learn to relate more effectively to others. The first installment covers the first principle of brain function.
Healing Broken Hearts – Mental Health and the Bible 1
Jesus promised to Heal the broken hearted. That's also in a prophecy about what He will do when he returns. And it is about what he did at that time, in his physical life. What does it mean to be broken hearted? Do we have a part to play in the healing of our own heart and the hearts of others? How do we do that?
Coming to Mount Zion – A Pentecost Presentation
We hear the word Zion in the news and in the Bible. What does it mean? Where did it come from? Is it a relevant word for Christians today? The answers to these questions is startling. Learn more in Mount Zion.
New Series – Mental Health and The Bible
This presentation begins our revised series, Mental Health and the Bible. In this first installment, learn how the Bible and modern Psychology share similar foundational concepts about the human mind.
Religion or Relationship
Have you seen that tee shirt that has on it, "It's not about religion. It's about a relationship?" Is that right, or is it wrong? What would you say? Since, for Christians, religion and relationship are both something we try to do, it might be fun to sort this one out, have a biblically informed opinion, think clearly about it.
The Lord’s Prayer – 8 – Yours is the Kingdom
One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord's Prayer. But didn't Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe Jesus had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord's Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer – 7 – Deliver Us From Evil
One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord's Prayer. But didn't Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe Jesus had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord's Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer – 6 – Lead Us Not Into Temptation
One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord's Prayer. But didn't Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe Jesus had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord's Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer – 5 – Forgive Us Our Trespasses
One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord's Prayer. But didn't Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe Jesus had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord's Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer – 4 – Our Daily Bread
One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord's Prayer. But didn't Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe Jesus had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord's Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer – 3 – Your Will Be Done
One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord's Prayer. But didn't Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe Jesus had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord's Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer – 2 – Your Kingdom Come
One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord's Prayer. But didn't Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe Jesus had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord's Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer – 1 – Hallowed is Your Name
When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, the first thing he told them to express was the holiness of God's name. God is perfect, he is holy, he all powerful. Starting with that is the frame that put around the rest of our petitions. Learn how to do that in Hallowed is Your Name.
Being Good
Jesus said some puzzling things! He pointed to the Pharisees, who were super-strick in their adherence to the law of God, and told his disciples that their righteousness had to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees. What did he mean by that? Is there more than obedience? Order Is Being Good and consider Jesus statement further.
Understanding Our Emotions – 10 – Recovering From Loss
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 10 - Recovering From Loss This is the last presentation in our series called Understanding Our Emotions. Help Us Help Others We give everything we
Understanding Our Emotions – 9 – Understanding Loss
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 9 - Understanding Loss In this series, Understanding Our Emotions, we look at how loss can cause two fundamental reactions. Help Us Help Others
Understanding Our Emotions – 8 – Fear and Love
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 8 - Fear and Love We’re working on our eighth presentation in the series, Understandingt Our Emotions, and the title of this one is Fear and
Understanding Our Emotions – 7 – As We Think, We Feel
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 7 - As We Think, We Feel As we continue the series Taking a Look at Our Emotions, we look into the way our beliefs
Understanding Our Emotions – 6 – Managing Anger
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 6 - Managing AngerMany people believe that it’s wrong to get angry. Are you one of those? Did you teach your kids not to be upset
Understanding Our Emotions – 5 – Triggered Emotions
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 5- Triggered Emotions We’re talking about how those hidden emotions from the past often wind up in the present at most inappropriate times. This one
Understanding Our Emotions – 4 – How We Deceive Ourselves
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 4 - How We Deceive Ourselves We’re going to take a closer look with the idea that, if we’re going to be open-hearted, sincere
Understanding Our Emotions – 3 – Emotions and Self-Deception
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 3 - Emotions and Self-Deception In the beginning, God said everything He created was good. How does human deceitfulness work? How did it get there?
Understanding Our Emotions – 2 – Our Brakes and Accelerator
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 2 - Our Brakes and AcceleratorDid you know that our emotions act like brakes or an accelerator for our behavior? They either motivate us or inhibit
Understanding Our emotions – 1 – How They Work
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Understanding Our Emotions - 1 - How They Work This series is going to be about human emotions. We’ll cover such things as the role emotion plays in
Practical Christian Parenting – 12 – Parenting Adult Children
When children grow up, parenting doesn’t end. But there is a time of change, not only for children, but for parents as well. Roles change. Responsible change. Locations often change. How will everyone handle these changes? Consider what the Bible tells us about the issue in our latest presentation, Practical Christian Parenting Part 12: Parenting Adult Children.