The Lord’s Prayer

One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord’s Prayer. But didn’t Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe He had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord’s Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.


Understanding Human Behavior – Part 5 – The Brain in a Congregation

›› Personal Support ›› Mission ›› Founders menusidebottom LifeResource Ministries Resource Understanding Human Behavior 5 #20090423humanbehavior This series delves into the function of the human brain to see how our past affects us in every day life, what we can do to change the things about ourselves that we don't like, and how we can learn to relate more effectively to others. The first installment covers the first principle of brain function.


Religion or Relationship

Have you seen that tee shirt that has on it, "It's not about religion. It's about a relationship?" Is that right, or is it wrong? What would you say? Since, for Christians, religion and relationship are both something we try to do, it might be fun to sort this one out, have a biblically informed opinion, think clearly about it.


Being Good

Jesus said some puzzling things! He pointed to the Pharisees, who were super-strick in their adherence to the law of God, and told his disciples that their righteousness had to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees. What did he mean by that? Is there more than obedience? Order Is Being Good and consider Jesus statement further.


Practical Christian Parenting – 12 – Parenting Adult Children

When children grow up, parenting doesn’t end. But there is a time of change, not only for children, but for parents as well. Roles change. Responsible change. Locations often change. How will everyone handle these changes? Consider what the Bible tells us about the issue in our latest presentation, Practical Christian Parenting Part 12: Parenting Adult Children.