The Lord’s Prayer

One of the most often recited parts of the Bible is the Lord’s Prayer. But didn’t Jesus tell us not to make prayer a rote exercise? Maybe He had something else in mind. In this new series, The Lord’s Prayer, we take an expanded look at what Jesus was teaching Christians about prayer.


Life After Death – Part 5 – Judgement

In this last part of the Life After Death Series, we continue on with the time progression through the Book of Revelation that provides a chronology of the final events in God’s plan as he has revealed it. Once we understand the Bible on this issue, we can see why God says he is “not willing that any should perish,” and how he is going to have His way in it. It’s good news!


Life After Death – Part 3 – The Second Resurrection

The apostle John, in the Book of Revelation, writes of a “first resurrection.” In this presentation we cover the second one. Some people consider this resurrection a mystery. While it seems true that the further out a mentioned event is on the Bible timeline, the more obscure the references. But the second resurrection is not so far out that we can’t gain a lot of detail about it, when it occurs, who is resurrected, what form they take. If you don’t understand this point of Bible truth, or if you need to explain it to others, this presentation can help.


Old Time Religion – Pentecost

The Bible tells us to stick to the faith Jesus brought to the earth. Over the ages, that model has been watered down and distorted—added to and taken away from. Yet, the true Gospel Jesus brought to earth is still it available to us in the pages of the Bible. It’s easy enough to compare what we do today to the original faith seen in the New Testament and see the clear differences. How close to the original is your faith and practice?


Raising Resilient Children

How do we teach our children to endure the hard times in life and difficult situations that arise? The Bible has a lot to say about it and so does modern psychology. There have been many studies about resilience. They all point toward what the bible has to say about the issue.


Passed Over – A Passover Presentation

Today when we use the term “passed over,” it usually means we have been ignored. But in the Bible the term takes on a positive message, namely that we have been granted a pass on punishment. The Passover helps us relive, once a year, how that happens and offers us encouraging implications for living to please God.


The Law in Our Hearts

Today when we use the term “passed over,” it usually means we have been ignored. But in the Bible the term takes on a positive message, namely that we have been granted a pass on punishment. The Passover helps us relive, once a year, how that happens and offers us encouraging implications for living to please God.


God In Us

How do we know if we have the Holy Spirit? Since we are physical, the spirit cannot be detected physically—can’t feel it, can’t see it, can’t smell it, can’t touch it. But there is a way. It’s a way God reveals to us, so we can believe in His promise.


Waging Spiritual War – 6 – Broken Arrow

“Broken Arrow” is a military term used in the Viet Nam war. When command officers, monitoring a battle, heard this code term on their radios, they knew their troops were in danger of being completely overrun. They were to respond with immediate death-dealing air support delivering close-in bombing. We use it here to describe God’s immediate response when we embrace truth and resist lies.


Waging Spiritual Warfare – 3 – Weapons Training

The Apostle Paul, using a clever metaphor, lists the weapons Christians can use to wage spiritual warfare. When we read it we are impressed by how clever Paul was to come up with such an excellent literary device. If we hold to that, without understanding the vital message he conveyed, we’ve missed the whole point. Seriously, what is all this about the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation? Do you know how to swing the sword of the spirit?


Pottery 101 – FoT

The Bible tells us that God is the potter and we are the clay. This is an ingenious connection back to creation when Adam was formed from red clay. However, there is more to the picture than just creation. God has given us life. Now he is forming us, molding us, making us the way he wants us to be. The circumstances of our lives are his hands on us. This presentation explores our part in this process.


The Best Holy Day – Atonement

Is there any way one of God’s seven annual festivals can be “better” than another? Probably not. Each one is the best for the lesson God is teaching. Still, it is permissible for us to have our favorites. Mine is Atonement. Here’s why.


Jesus’ Return Date – TR

Ever since Jesus departed for heaven, Christians have been trying to figure out when he was coming back. Many people, since then, have made dogmatic predictions about the exact date, and many have believed them. But so far, everyone has been wrong. Is there a way to figure it out? Do we even need to know? Or is what Jesus said about his return in the Bible all we need?


Commitment – The God-Based Marriage – 9

So far in this series, we have covered most of the fundamentals undergirding the God-based marriage. We saved this one for last because commitment is the one that makes marriage work when problems arise. It is also true that the concept of committed marriage is becoming lost in our culture. One of my counseling clients told me she didn’t know anyone who believed that marriage was for life. The results of this terrible loss are seen in the divorce statistics. Less than half of all marriages survive. Tune into this series to learn more about how to make a marriage last a lifetime.