The God-Based Marriage
The Bible tells us God created males and females and provides a relationship for them called marriage. As with everything God has created, immutable principles and laws of operation surround marriage. If we know what they are and them, chances of a successful marriage skyrocket. This series, The God-based Marriage, delves into the foundational principles.
Premarital Considerations – The God-Based Marriage – 10
We just completed our series, The God-Based Marriage, in which we enumerated 9 organizing principles of marriage. How can those who are not married but want to be, use this information? Listen to this presentation to learn three ways the series can help you prepare for marriage.
Commitment – The God-Based Marriage – 9
So far in this series, we have covered most of the fundamentals undergirding the God-based marriage. We saved this one for last because commitment is the one that makes marriage work when problems arise. It is also true that the concept of committed marriage is becoming lost in our culture. One of my counseling clients told me she didn’t know anyone who believed that marriage was for life. The results of this terrible loss are seen in the divorce statistics. Less than half of all marriages survive. Tune into this series to learn more about how to make a marriage last a lifetime.
Repairing Ruptured Relationships – The God-Based Marriage – 8
There are no perfect people. Consequently, there are no perfect marriages. Relational ruptures often occur. How do we repair an issue in marriage when it happens? This presentation offers practical help.
Marital Communication – The God-Based Marriage – 7
Research shows us that most of the problems between husband and wives stem from poor communication—misunderstanding each other, in other words. This may be hard to believe. But, after watching many couples attempt to communicate, I believe the research. This presentation offers a potent tool to smooth out communication and help couples meet each other heart to heart.
Emotional Connection – The God-Based Marriage – 6
Love is such a hard concept to define, we decided to focus on the emotional connection that produces love. Find emotional connection with your mate, and you and your mate will love each other. Since the Bible shows us that emotional connection is the essence of love (and so does science), this presentation delves into the components of it.
Having Your Mate’s Back – The God-Based Marriage – 5
If we are smart, we know that we need someone to have our back. Scripture reveals that God knew that Adam was not complete when he created Eve to be a support for him. Adam needed help. We see that Adam recognized this and was happy about what God had done. Later in the NT, we learn that Adam (and all husbands) are also to have their wife’s back as well, each one supporting the other in the specific way that is most helpful. Consider, in this presentation, what that looks like in a God-Based Marriage.
Heirs Together – The God-Based Marriage – 4
While marriage is an everyday relationship, it also looks beyond this life to the goal a husband and wife can both attain in the Kingdom of God. This goal causes a God-Based marriage to become a spiritually beneficial relationship for both parties, as they support each other in spiritual things. For that reason, knowing that a husband and wife are “heirs together of the grace of life,” organizes marriage into a profoundly spiritual endeavor.
Sacrificial Love – The God-Based Marriage – 3
Jesus said that laying down one’s life for one’s friends was the greatest love of all. How does this apply to marriage, when the marriage is God-Based? It’s the most powerful aspect of a healthy marriage. Are you good that this kind of love?
The Golden Rule – The God-Based Marriage – 2
Jesus, in his spiritual brilliance, compressed the entire Old Testament into one sentence. We call it the Golden Rule. This rule operates behind the scenes in heaven and on earth. It’s not just universal, but also spiritual, then. How does it function in marriage? Is it vital or irrelevant?
God’s Universal Hierarchy – The God-Based Marriage – 1
Perhaps the most important organizing principle of marriage is the way God and Jesus conduct their own relationship. It’s a model for relationships across the entire creation, both in heaven and on earth.
The organizing Principles – The God-Based Marriage – Introduction
God makes everything according to a plan, with organizing principles underlying each creation. He created marriage this way. If we know the organizing principles and follow them, it stands to reason that being married happily depends on the application of these principles in the relationship. This series aims to lay them out, all in one package for easy review, and to explain each one with examples and scriptures. We hope this can be helpful for premarital and newlyweds, as well as those who have been married for years.