Stand Alone Presentations

These presentations are all the individual topics we have on this site that are not part of a series.

If you want to find a specific title or topic, use the search icon on the right side of the main menu above.


The Benefits of Gratitude

Most people know that gratitude expressed is a social benefit to the one expressing and the one receiving. And most Christians know that God tells us to be grateful to Him for his blessings (and trials). But did you know that gratitude is also an indicator of mental health?


Healing the Breach

The Day of Atonement, Jewish Holy Day, or Christian Observance? Did you know that the Apostle Paul used the Day of Atonement to explain the New Covenant? That said, how could the day not have meaning for us?


Let’s Roll

The Bible calls Christians “saints.” Some people think a saint is a perfect, or nearly perfect person. But the Bible emphasizes something else. Learn more about what saints are and do as well s the mindset they carry with them.


God and Politics

It's been said there are two things never to talk about with someone if you want to stay friends: Religion and politics. We decided to kill two birds with one stone in this presentation and talk about both of them at once -- but we still want to be friends!


Mind Body Spirit

Dr. Ryan Berlin and Bill Jacobs compare notes and discuss the mind, body and spirit connections int light of the Bible and science. Learn more about how to take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit.


Small Group Bible Studies

Who is responsible for your spiritual growth? Who is responsible for feeding you spiritually? Is it your pastor, or are you responsible for yourself before God? Learn how to "fix your own food" in this presentation about Small Group Bible Studies.


Who Are You Really?

We all have thoughts about who we are, what we are like, what we like. We call this our identity. It turns out that what we think of ourselves is pretty important because it affects our performance, morals, values, and faith.


Faith’s Origins

Have you ever wondered where faith comes from? Paul says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." He's telling us that the Word of God provides the knowledge we need to trust God. We hear that from others in our life (like parents). Faith is passed from person to person. But there's much more to it! It goes deeper.


Religious Disillusionment

Why is it that so many people leave the Church, offended by the bad behavior of others? Is there a way to avoid it? Actually, the Bible tells us exactly how to avoid it, and how to help our children avoid being offended also.



With all the choices available to us in modern life, it's getting harder to focus on what's important. Recently an exeprience with a teenager helped me rethink my level of committment.


The Law of Attraction

What if God causes us to be blessed, not only for our obedience, but also for our attitude. What if a positive attitude draws blessings? What if, in addition to personally passing out blessings, God also created a universe that simply works well for those who are aligned with His own nature and behavior?


Evangelism and Youth

Guy Swenson presented, at the Lake Tahoe LifeResource Ministries Feast in 2009, Evangelism and Youth, a powerful example showing how to fire up young people for Jesus Christ.


Adults Honoring Parents 1

The Commandment tells us, "Honor your father and your mother." But how does an adult honor a parent that is hurtful or negative? The first of this two-part presentation, Adults Honoring Parents 1, examines what the Bible tells us and offers concrete help.


Fiery Darts

We've known Christians who see demons around every corner, so to speak. These folks often play the "discernment card," believing that their spiritual discernment is greater than that of others, when it could just as easily be the reverse. How does the Devil work in the world today?s To learn more, order Fiery Darts now.


Advantages of NCD

The Churches of God want to grow. But there is something that must come first — congregational health. Natural Church Development is an approach to church health that fits any church, even yours. Advantages of NCD is introductory material for the Church Health series.


A Case for Personal Growth

We all have things about ourselves that we don't like. Things like our weight, our personality, various habits, etc. God tells us we must give up our life for him, like Christ did for us Yet it seems incredibly difficult to make changes, to surrender ourselves to God. Is it really that hard, or do we just not know what to do?


Why The Tree

People sometimes ask us, when they look at our logo, "Why the tree?" It comes from the first Psalm. There we are told that the person who follows God is like a tree planted by a river. From an unseen source it receives an unending supply of sustenance. Roots go deep, branches go up and out, and fruit is abundant. Because of God's gracious care the person who follows him flourishes spiritually.


Your Life Theme

Your Life Theme explains that we all have one or more life themes that affects the quality of our life every day. Do you know what your life theme is? Learn how to discover it by ordering this thought-provoking presentation.


Praying With the Windows Open

Daniel was one of the stalwards of God in the Bible. He put God first in is life. Scripture tells us prayed with the windows open. But what was so great about that? Order Praying with the Windows Open now.