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Recent Sermons


A Relationship with God for Children

In our LifeResource Ministries mission statement, we express the desire to help all the Church’s children develop a relationship with God. How can it be possible to do that? It’s simple. You could do it! Find out how in this presentation, Youth Advocacy?


Things Left Undone

In a heated public discussion with the Pharisees, Jesus told them they had approached the law focusing on the minutia while neglecting the “weightier matters of the law.” What would that have to do with us today? Could present-day Christians be doing the same thing?


The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand – FoT

Jesus said the “Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Yet it’s approximately 2000 years after he said that and still no kingdom yet. Was Jesus lying or did he have something else in mind—something much more relevant, no matter when a person lives?


Who is like God? – Atonement

A strange thing happens almost immediately after Christ returns. An angel appears with a key and a big chain. What he does next changes the world forever. Who is this unnamed mysterious angel? How did his action cause such a profound change?


Living Stones

“Living stones” is a term used in the Bible to represent the various members in the Church of God, represented by a stone Temple. This presentation discusses a widely accepted mis-understanding about the use of the term. And then goes further into what it is to be a living stone and how to go about it.

Come And Worship With Us

Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.