Having Your Mate’s Back
The God-Based Marriage – 5
If we are smart, we know that we need someone to have our back. Scripture reveals that God knew that Adam was not complete when he created Eve to be a support for him. Adam needed help. We see that Adam recognized this and was happy about what God had done. Later in the NT, we learn that Adam (and all husbands) are also to have their wife’s back as well, each one supporting the other in the specific way that is most helpful. Consider, in this presentation, what that looks like in a God-Based Marriage.
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For Further Consideration
Here is a link to a website about marriage. Lots of tips and topics, some of which may be helpful.
If we’re smart, we know we need someone to have our back. Scripture reveals that God knew that Adam was not complete when He created Eve to be a support for Adam. Adam needed help. We see that Adam recognized this and was happy about what God had done.