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How Christian Life Works

How we think about the forces at work in life it is supposed to change once we become Christians. This is because God begins to work with us in a different way than he did before we came to him. Learn more about these changes in How Christian Life Works.

How Christian Life Works2021-05-20T12:15:21-06:00

Character for Kids

Is there a way to raise children to be responsible for their own actions and to understand the connection between what they do and what happens to them as a result? Order Character for Kids to learn more.

Character for Kids2021-05-20T12:56:08-06:00

Living Up


Living Up

Jordan Peterson

Living Up2024-04-23T07:44:46-06:00

Mind Over Matter

Mind over matter. It's a common expression. And it applies to Christian life in a most important way. Do you know how to put mind over matter the way God tells us? Consider the issue in this presentation.

Mind Over Matter2024-02-22T08:51:39-07:00

Up With the Times

In the Bible, we are told that the Church is to follow the original faith presented to it by Jesus Christ. It never needs updating. The original doctrines are eternal. But does that mean that the Church is never to adapt to societal shifts? Explore this topic with us in Up with the Times. Think ahead rather than behind.

Up With the Times2023-11-04T12:24:05-06:00

Managing Trials


Managing Trials

The Bible includes numerous trials

Managing Trials2023-09-17T05:58:04-06:00

Measuring the Urgency of Christ’s Return – Festival of Trumpets

The Bible mentions on numerous occasions the catastrophic build up to and the return of Jesus Christ. Is there a way to prepare for it? Consider the implications in Measuring the Urgency of Christ’s Return.

Measuring the Urgency of Christ’s Return – Festival of Trumpets2023-08-25T12:23:35-06:00

A Kingdom Value – Love Your Neighbor – Part 2

Loving our Neighbor isn’t a cliché. It is a part of God’s nature. He loves all his “neighbors” in His eternal Realm and on Earth. That’s why we have to practice loving our neighbors in this life.

A Kingdom Value – Love Your Neighbor – Part 22023-07-28T06:41:52-06:00

The Body of Christ – Holy Day Series 2023 – Part 1

The Apostle Paul tells we need to “discern the Body of Christ” when we take the Passover symbols, bread and wine. What does that mean? Learn more in The Body of Christ - Holy Day Series 2023 - Part 1

The Body of Christ – Holy Day Series 2023 – Part 12023-03-10T07:41:00-07:00

A New Heart – Day of Atonement

God promised, in the Old Testament, to grant anyone who wants it a new heart, a heart that willing conforms to God’s ways, a heart like God’s heart. Int this presentation, A New Heart, we see that the Holy Days of God also predict this mass change in humanity. “Come and see” how it will work.

A New Heart – Day of Atonement2022-08-24T12:37:08-06:00
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