Overcoming Loss
We all experience losses of many kinds. We lose financial stability, loved ones, status, security, and many others. These losses sometimes form the foundation for various problems, such as depression, anxiety, self-isolation, and so on. If, in our effort to overcome our problems, we can identify the underlying losses, we can often unburden ourselves. Learn some strategies for identifying past losses and and how to deal with them in this series, Overcoming Loss.
Overcoming Loss – 4 – Healing Past Losses
Both God and the Devil work in our lives through the losses we suffer. In this sermon learn how to heal past losses,avoiding anger, bitterness, anxiety and depression.
Overcoming Loss – 3 – Identifying Past Losses
In Identifying Past Losses learn how to penetrate the defenses of the mind to find the unresolved losses from the past. Learn more about human memory, loss, anxiety and depression.
Overcoming Loss – 2 – The Work of Overcoming
She prayed, she studied her Bible, she fasted and she donated money to charity in an attempt to get over being selfish, shallow and upset with her husband and children. For five years she did all this and nothing happened. She was still as selfish and volatile as ever. What did she leave out?
Overcoming Loss – 1 – Where Overcoming Begins
Those of us who are Christians know we need to overcome our faults and sins. We know we are to surrender our lives as did Jesus Christ. Try as we might, real change often eludes us. How do we make real changes in character? Where Overcoming Begins will lay the foundation.