Mental Health and the Bible

Did you know that the Bible covers a lot of material about mental health, not only what causes it but how to avoid it? This series covers a number of mental health issues, shows how to identify them, and what to do to overcome them or help someone else overcome them. This series is ongoing, so far, we have twenty topics in Mental Health and the Bible.


Self-Control – Mental Health and the Bible – 24

When it comes to self-control, we often think about defeating bad habits, like blurting out things best kept to ourselves, or controlling our temper. But there is another area of self-control that many of us miss altogether. Failing in this area leads to more than a messy garage or hurting the feelings of others. Consider this issue in our latest offering, Self-Control.


The Selfishness-Anger Connection

Did you know that there is a connection between selfness and anger? It’s almost a no-brainer. We don’t get what we want, so we get angry, right? But it’s not helpful to know about the connection unless we know what to do with the knowledge. This presentation, The Selfishness/Anger Connection, explores how to leverage the knowledge in our favor to reduce anger.


God and Sex – Mental Health and the Bible 19

Many people today think that it’s old fashioned to follow God’s rules about sex. Sexual promiscuity is a way of life for many single people. And many marriages and relationships break up because of infidelity. We would never try to convince anyone against their will that God’s rules are for our own good. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t explain how his rules, when applied, save people a lot of heartache, and even mental illness.


The Trauma Bond

Did you know that a relationship develops between victims and perpetrators when some one is held captive or coerced? There is even a name for it. It’s called the trauma bond. Even though we see it every day, most of us are not aware of it. We are naïve. It doesn’t just happen in banks in Stockholm, or in Waco Texas. It happens all around us.


Stockholm Syndrome

 In 1973 some bank robbers strapped dynamite to the chests of hostages and held them for 5 days. When released the hostages all sided with the robbers and considered them victims of society. While this may be the most famous example of Stockholm syndrome, it is not the only example. In fact, this syndrome is around us everywhere, often even at Church.


The Wicked

The Bible uses the terms “evil” and “wicked” to describe behavior we might call “psychotic,” “narcissistic,” “sociopathic.” Consider this issue further in this presentation that aims to bridge Biblical teaching and contemporary psychology.


Obsessive Compulsive Behavior

Do you, or do you know people who, focus tightly on order, neatness, and control? If so you might be looking at obsessive compulsive behavior. This type of behavior can be mild or so severe that those afflicted are miserable. The Bible has somewhat to say about the topic. Learn more in this presentation. And learn strategies to overcome the condition.


Psychological Defenses

In a series about Mental Health and the Bible, there has to be discussion of psychological defenses. What are they? What, if anything, does the Bible tell us about them? Can therapy help with them in Christian life? These are some of the questions we address in this presentation.


Ambivalence – Mental Health/Bible 9

The Bible makes note of the human tendency to be “double minded.” Today we call it ambivalence. When we have strong feelings in several different directions at once, it tends to cause anxiety. The mind doesn’t like it. It’s not good for us spiritually, either. In this presentation, learn about how to identify and reduce ambivalence.