Glass orb reflecting a tree

The Holy Days

Most Christians think the biblical holy days, are just for the Jews. According to the Bible, they are for everyone. And eventually everyone is going to observe them for the holidays that they are. Why are they for Christians? For starters, all seven of them are about Jesus Christ and the plan for our salvation. Some of them look back toward things he did when he walked the earth as a human, and some look to the future, foreshadowing things Christ has yet to accomplish. Learn more about them in this series, The Holy Days. If you like, you can also check out another series about these days, Jesus and the Holy Days. which documents, from the Bible, Christ’s connection to each holy day.


God’s Action Step: Trumpets

At the end of the book of Revelation, the Apostle John, after being in vision with Jesus Christ through the shocking content of this book, wrote a three word prayer: "Come Lord Jesus!" In God's Action Step: Trumpets we look at Jesus' response.


The Meaning of Pentecost

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.


The Meaning of the Days of Unleavened Bread

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.


The Meaning of Passover

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.


The Eighth Day And Beyond

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.


Feast of Tabernacles, Babyland

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.


Feast of Tabernacles, Healing Broken Hearts

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.


Atonement, At-One With God

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.


Trumpets, the Return of Christ

There are seven festivals in the Bible that picture steps in God's salvation plan. Since Jesus Christ is the focal point of that plan, He is also the focal point of each festival. Perhaps that is one reason why the New Testament church observed all seven of these God-given Biblical Festivals.


The Purpose of the Feast

What is the Purpose of the Feast of Tabernacles? Is it a vacatioN? Something we do out of duty? Or did God intend it to be something more? Consider some options in The Purpose of the Feast.