Getting Real

There is a phenomenon that is getting media attention lately. It’s called the Scam Culture. Many believe it is born out of social media. People build a persona for themselves that is a lie. It’s only a step from there to creating a false front designed to play on the insecurity and greed of others. God is not that way, and won’t tolerate any lies in his Kingdom. This series explores the need for Christians to live in sincerity and truth.


Stockholm Syndrome

 In 1973 some bank robbers strapped dynamite to the chests of hostages and held them for 5 days. When released the hostages all sided with the robbers and considered them victims of society. While this may be the most famous example of Stockholm syndrome, it is not the only example. In fact, this syndrome is around us everywhere, often even at Church.


Giving Care – A Pentecost Presentation

We all know people, whether they be family, friends, or acquaintances, who need help and support. Sometimes their issues seem beyond our abilities to help. Still, there are things anyone can to do help and support others. In this presentation, we cover some of those helpful tools and approaches.


Make No Provision

We may have heard the saying, “I can stand anything but temptation.” How good are you at avoiding temptation? Would you consider your self a novice or sophisticated in your efforts to avoid it? Many Christians don’t think much about it, drifting thoughtlessly into temptation and the ensuing troubles. Learn more here about how to avoid temptation and stay out of trouble.


The Wicked

The Bible uses the terms “evil” and “wicked” to describe behavior we might call “psychotic,” “narcissistic,” “sociopathic.” Consider this issue further in this presentation that aims to bridge Biblical teaching and contemporary psychology.


Arrested Development

Humans can suffer arrest in their Psycho-Social Development. Did you know that Christians also suffer arrest in their spiritual development as well? When we are in spiritual arrest, we are usually not aware of it. It’s an insidious condition. How is your spiritual condition. This presentation may help you assess.


Obsessive Compulsive Behavior

Do you, or do you know people who, focus tightly on order, neatness, and control? If so you might be looking at obsessive compulsive behavior. This type of behavior can be mild or so severe that those afflicted are miserable. The Bible has somewhat to say about the topic. Learn more in this presentation. And learn strategies to overcome the condition.


Psychological Defenses

In a series about Mental Health and the Bible, there has to be discussion of psychological defenses. What are they? What, if anything, does the Bible tell us about them? Can therapy help with them in Christian life? These are some of the questions we address in this presentation.


Ambivalence – Mental Health/Bible 9

The Bible makes note of the human tendency to be “double minded.” Today we call it ambivalence. When we have strong feelings in several different directions at once, it tends to cause anxiety. The mind doesn’t like it. It’s not good for us spiritually, either. In this presentation, learn about how to identify and reduce ambivalence.


The Real Star Wars

A long time ago, in a realm far away, there was a might battle waged against the forces of Good by the forces of Evil. The Bible provides an opaque view of this ancient event. Learn more about it in The Real Star Wars—the consequences that affect us all every day—and how the Good will soon prevail for all time.


The First 100 Days

Presidents, in the United States, are traditionally evaluated for their accomplishments after the first 100 days. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ will return to the earth and make sweeping changes. What will it be like in His First 100 days?


How Christian Life Works

How we think about the forces at work in life it is supposed to change once we become Christians. This is because God begins to work with us in a different way than he did before we came to him. Learn more about these changes in How Christian Life Works.


Are You a Superstitious Christian?

Black cats, four leaf clovers, walking under a ladder, rabbits’ feet—all examples of common superstitious beliefs. Many people, after coming to Christ, turn away from these common superstitious beliefs. And then they become superstitious about their Christianity. Are you a superstitious Christian? Learn a more realistic life view in this presentation.


The Devil’s Best Kept Secret

The Bible tells us that the Devil is a deceiver (See Revelation 12:9). He hides the things of God from all of us. What do you suppose is his best kept secret, the thing he wants to hid from us the most? Learn more about it in The Devil's Best Kept Secret.