Getting Real

There is a phenomenon that is getting media attention lately. It’s called the Scam Culture. Many believe it is born out of social media. People build a persona for themselves that is a lie. It’s only a step from there to creating a false front designed to play on the insecurity and greed of others. God is not that way, and won’t tolerate any lies in his Kingdom. This series explores the need for Christians to live in sincerity and truth.


Helplessness – Preaching to the Choir 5

I talked with a man some time ago who had a doctorate and a business. He told me that he thought everyone should get an income from the government so that no one would have to work. Never mind that there would be no money to give if no one worked. He felt helpless about his floundering business and felt resentful toward others who were successful while he was not. Psychological research has much to teach us about this kind of attitude and how to recognize and overcome it.


The Last Laugh – Bible Stories for Adults 009

In our on-going series, Bible Stories for Adults, the 9th episode details God’s work with Abraham and Sarah as they struggle with their lack of an heir. Does this story have a point? Is there anything we can learn from it? In fact, it has a lot to do with how God deals with all of us today. It’s a lesson on how to “carry on” with God.


Discerning the Body – Passover

The Apostle Paul says that the Passover, as he got it from Jesus Christ, is an annual spiritual self-evaluation. One of the things he tells us to think about is our discernment of the Body of Christ. What does that mean? If you think you already know, consider that with God, there is always more to learn.


Rudeness – Preaching to the Choir 4

People tell me that they encounter more and more who are rude—in stores, on the road, in social media, etc. One person I know calls it “Anti-Social Media.” What’s behind this epidemic and what can be done about it? Does the Bible have anything to say about it? How does this affect our children?


Noah’s Flood – Bible Stories for Adults 006

When some of us think of Noah’s flood, we think of cute cartoons of animals filing into an ark. It goes without saying there is a lot more to it than that. Besides the doubts some have about the logistics of the ark, what about the issue of God killing off his own children. Such a thought causes some to opine that God is a monster. That’s why we call it a Bible Story for Adults.


Standing Still

In our Western society’s approach to life, it seems like there is always too much to do, too many places to go, too many emails to answer, Etc. Yet God tells us in the pages of the Bible that there is a time to stand still. When should we do that—and why?


How God Works

All of us have an innate style of operating, of being in the world. Some of us are intense, other laid back, some organized, some less so. What is God like? How does He work? An important question about someone who has so much power and influence in our lives.


Time Management for Christians – Part 4 – Incoming!

In our era people are bombarded with more incoming information than ever before. It’s a new phenomenon. How do we handle it? All the high goals and intentions in the world don’t matter, if we can’t take care of the day-to-day processing of incoming information. Email, social media, text messages, voice mail, can take over and leech our time away. Learn a simple way to make sense out of chaos and get a handle on all the incoming.


Time Management for Christians – Part 1

Feeling overwhelmed? Too much to do and not enough time to do it? As we read the Gospels, we note that there is no record of Jesus being late, overwhelmed, or stressed by time management issues. That might mean that we are not supposed to feel like that if we want to be like him. Consider your time management approach and gains some tools for this critical part of life in Time Management for Christians.


Freedom in Christ

The Apostle Paul wrote about “freedom in Christ,” a contradiction in terms for many people, who see Christianity as restrictive, the stuff of mind control cults, and, as Karl Marx said, “the opiate of the masses.” What should the term mean to Christians? How do Christians explain it to those who want to know?


The Sea of Galilee and You

Many people living outside of Israel don’t think much about the Sea of Galilee, yet God uses this beautiful lake to instruct Christians about a vital aspect of Christian life. Don’t miss out on it.


The Trauma Bond

Did you know that a relationship develops between victims and perpetrators when some one is held captive or coerced? There is even a name for it. It’s called the trauma bond. Even though we see it every day, most of us are not aware of it. We are naïve. It doesn’t just happen in banks in Stockholm, or in Waco Texas. It happens all around us.