Getting Real

There is a phenomenon that is getting media attention lately. It’s called the Scam Culture. Many believe it is born out of social media. People build a persona for themselves that is a lie. It’s only a step from there to creating a false front designed to play on the insecurity and greed of others. God is not that way, and won’t tolerate any lies in his Kingdom. This series explores the need for Christians to live in sincerity and truth.


God is a Farmer – Pentecost

Jesus told us his Father is a farmer. Our Father is growing a crop of beings for his kingdom. We are those crops. What’s the import of that? God has a plan and we are a part of it. He is tending to us, cultivating, planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting. In our age, disconnected from the land, this might not mean much to us, but if we want to know what God is doing, we would be wise to learn more about his farming efforts.


The organizing Principles – The God-Based Marriage – Introduction

God makes everything according to a plan, with organizing principles underlying each creation. He created marriage this way. If we know the organizing principles and follow them, it stands to reason that being married happily depends on the application of these principles in the relationship. This series aims to lay them out, all in one package for easy review, and to explain each one with examples and scriptures. We hope this can be helpful for premarital and newlyweds, as well as those who have been married for years.


Becoming Unleavened – A Passover Presentation

Every spring in ancient Israel, God instructed the people to hold a harvest festival in which they ate unleavened bread. It was an annual reminder that their predecessors ate unleavened bread the night they fled Egypt, not having time to let their dough rise. Much later, the Apostle Paul, while writing about this festival, compares leavening to sin in the Christian life. He confirms that we also are to observe the Festival of Unleavened Bread—not only eating unleavened bread but also to become unleavened in our hearts, to strive for a sin-free life, as we strive to follow the example Jesus set for us


Watching the News

Most of us, no matter our religious or political affiliation, find it hard to watch the news. Most Christians know that God tells us to keep up with world events. However, due to the deepening political division in the United States, human bias colors reporting across the media spectrum. It is often hard to discern the truth. Is there a way to parse the news from a godly perspective? We think so.


God and Sex – Mental Health and the Bible 19

Many people today think that it’s old fashioned to follow God’s rules about sex. Sexual promiscuity is a way of life for many single people. And many marriages and relationships break up because of infidelity. We would never try to convince anyone against their will that God’s rules are for our own good. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t explain how his rules, when applied, save people a lot of heartache, and even mental illness.


Faith for the Long Haul – The Faithful Christian 2

In the Book of Revelation, God describes the first round of inductees into his Kingdom as “called, chosen, and faithful.” If God expects us to be faithful, that is, to endure to the end, what guidance does he provide to help us accomplish that goal? Are there things we can do to up our chances of hanging in to the end? This presentation offereds four intentional strategies that will help.


Faith is not Easy – The Faithful Christian 1

God tells us that he is working a plan to draw all of us into eternal life with him. He describes the first round of inductees as “Faithful” in Revelation 17. Since faithfulness is one of the three primary descriptors, we can assume this is important to God. Could you be described that way? This new series details some of the elements of faithfulness and how to intentionally go toward them.


Zeroing in on Our Calling – FT

As the pace of life speeds up, the more easily it is to become distracted in every aspect of life. That would also include Christian life. Sometimes it is hard to stay focused on what is important. This presentation, given in September of 2018 at the Common Faith Network Feast of Tabernacles, draws attention back to the reason God calls people into his church. Do you know why God called you and what he wants you to do every day?


Sacrifical Love – Atonement

John the Baptist referred to Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The sins of the world we know about, but what about the lamb of God? Did you know there is a biblical festival for Christians that teaches us a lot more about Jesus than Christmas?


The Return of Christ – Trumpets

A friend asked us to produce a presentation explaining Christ’s return in a way that children could understand. This presentation is my effort at that—an outline with context. A timely presentation for the Festival of Trumpets, which falls on the first day of the 7th month. A day when ancient Israel blew the 7th Trumpet.


Self-Pity – Preaching to the Choir 7

So far in our series, Preaching to the Choir, we discussed, learned helplessness and entitlement. This time we address a closely related state, self-pity. All three of these cause psycho-social and spiritual arrest. In this presentation, learn how to get growing again by overcoming self-pity. Life is so much better when they have a bigger picture of God for our lives.


Sacrificing Isaac – Bible Stories for Adults 010

A lot of people have heard about the Bible story where God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. At the same time, a lot of people have serious misgivings about what God did in this story. Never-the-less, God always has a reason that is our best interest. If we can grasp the message, it could save our eternal lives. Listen to this presentation to consider a deeper meaning.


Why So Many Types of Christians? – Pentecost

Jesus said he and the Father are one, and that we are one with them by the Holy Spirit. If that is true, why are there so many different denominations, reorganizations, splits, schisms, and sects? Shouldn’t there be just one? Or does God have something way beyond anything we can imagine in store for us? Consider the situation in this presentation.