Getting Real
There is a phenomenon that is getting media attention lately. It’s called the Scam Culture. Many believe it is born out of social media. People build a persona for themselves that is a lie. It’s only a step from there to creating a false front designed to play on the insecurity and greed of others. God is not that way, and won’t tolerate any lies in his Kingdom. This series explores the need for Christians to live in sincerity and truth.
The Art of Communicating
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT The Art of Communicating Before we can communicate effectively in any conversation, there is something we must do first. Do you know what it is? Learn
Traveling to the Kingdom – Festival of Trumpets
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Traveling to the Kingdom - Festival of Trumpets Every year, Jesus traveled to observe God’s festivals. The Bible shows us that even the trip to the
Who is like God? – Atonement
A strange thing happens almost immediately after Christ returns. An angel appears with a key and a big chain. What he does next changes the world forever. Who is this unnamed mysterious angel? How did his action cause such a profound change?
The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand – FoT
Jesus said the “Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Yet it’s approximately 2000 years after he said that and still no kingdom yet. Was Jesus lying or did he have something else in mind—something much more relevant, no matter when a person lives?
Things Left Undone
In a heated public discussion with the Pharisees, Jesus told them they had approached the law focusing on the minutia while neglecting the “weightier matters of the law.” What would that have to do with us today? Could present-day Christians be doing the same thing?
A Relationship with God for Children
In our LifeResource Ministries mission statement, we express the desire to help all the Church’s children develop a relationship with God. How can it be possible to do that? It’s simple. You could do it! Find out how in this presentation, Youth Advocacy?
Tuning to God’s Channel
We all know about prayer, talking to God. But how do we listen to Him? As it turns out, God has a “channel” on which he broadcasts His Way. Do you know how to find it? Having found it, do you listen to it? In this presentation, Tuning to God’s Channel, we will explore ways to hear what God has for each of us.
The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength
The Bible tells us “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” What does that mean? What is the connection between joy and strength? The best example lies with God and how He functions.
Letting God be Our Therapist
Do we even need God to be a therapist for us? What if God is concerned with our mental and spiritual health and wants to help us? How would we engage him in that effort? Consider the issue in Letting God be Our Therapist.
The Selfishness-Anger Connection
Did you know that there is a connection between selfness and anger? It’s almost a no-brainer. We don’t get what we want, so we get angry, right? But it’s not helpful to know about the connection unless we know what to do with the knowledge. This presentation, The Selfishness/Anger Connection, explores how to leverage the knowledge in our favor to reduce anger.
Why Suffer with Christ?
“Suffering with Christ” is a biblical concept. What is Suffering with Christ? How do we do it? Why would we do it? Explore this topic and understand an important benefit of Christian life in Suffering with Christ.
Seven Steps to Perfection – Mental Health and the Bible – 23
If we think about it, we can see that every living thing grows in stages. Jesus mentioned this in relationship to spiritual growth. Do you know what the stages of spiritual development are? Learn about them in Seven Steps to Perfection.
Only Believe
Jairus, a synagogue manager, went desperately to Jesus to seek healing for his dying child. Jesus agreed to go with him to his home to heal her. On the way, they learned that Jairus’s daughter was dead. At that point, Jesus said to him, “fear not, only believe.” Why did he tell Jairus to believe instead of having faith? Learn the answer in Only Believe.
Self-Control – Mental Health and the Bible – 24
When it comes to self-control, we often think about defeating bad habits, like blurting out things best kept to ourselves, or controlling our temper. But there is another area of self-control that many of us miss altogether. Failing in this area leads to more than a messy garage or hurting the feelings of others. Consider this issue in our latest offering, Self-Control.
Measuring the Urgency of Christ’s Return – Festival of Trumpets
The Bible mentions on numerous occasions the catastrophic build up to and the return of Jesus Christ. Is there a way to prepare for it? Consider the implications in Measuring the Urgency of Christ’s Return.
Loving Your Neighbor Today – Love Your Neighbor – Part 3
Love Your Neighbor Today is the third and final part of a three part series. In this part we explore the realities of wanting to do the impossible, while being able to do them with God’s help.
A Kingdom Value – Love Your Neighbor – Part 2
Loving our Neighbor isn’t a cliché. It is a part of God’s nature. He loves all his “neighbors” in His eternal Realm and on Earth. That’s why we have to practice loving our neighbors in this life.
The Good Samaritan – Love Your Neighbor – Part 1
Our presentation, The Good Samaritan, is the first in a series titled Love Your Neighbor. We are going behind the words to understand what God means when He tells us to "Love Your Neigbor."
Recognizing Deception
God tells us that Satan is a deceiver. How does he do that? Can we spot his deceptions if we know what to look for in history and prophecy? How would that knowledge transfer to understanding his deceptions now? Learn more in Resisting Deception.
Being a Christian Pilgrim
Christians have always known they were to be pilgrims, a community of believers moving through life, headed in a definite direction, with a specific destination the focus. But the picture of pilgrims also has another meaning—one that becomes increasingly vital as the United States has become post-Christian.
Come and See
When Philip told Nathaniel about Jesus, Nathaniel expressed doubt, Philip’s response was, “Come and see.” What a potent invitation. It changed Nathaniel’s life forever. Do you know anyone who could use a life change? Learn more about it in this presentation. Come and see.
Being Christ’s Body – Holy Day Series 2023 – Part 2
Most Christians know that another name for the Church is “The Body of Christ.” What does it mean to be Christ’s body? How do we fit into that Body? This Holy Day, Pentecost, helps us understand the answer.
Freedom in Christ—A Deeper Meaning
Paul uses the term, Freedom in Christ. When I finally left a corporate version of my church, I understood that term in a way that was new to me. That was quite a few years ago. Lately, that term has taken on a new and deeper meaning. I am offering it to you in this presentation.
One at a Time
Jesus didn’t use programs to teach his disciples how to love. Instead, he loved them one-at-a-time. The congregation is our extended spiritual environment. Will we make it a loving place? This presentation offers some thoughts on how to accomplish that goal.
Are You a Biblical Christian?
If asked, “What is the basis of Christianity” nearly every Christian would answer, “the Bible.” Unfortunately, over the last 2000 years, Christianity has changed so much from the religion Jesus brought, most Christians today no longer follow His original faith and practice. So…are you a biblical Christian? And, does it matter?