Series: Fruit of the Spirit
Trees produce fruit. If you were a tree, what kind of fruit would you produce? That would depend on which of two different influences available to you that you would access. One is the Holy Spirit—God in us. The other is called, in the Bible, “the flesh.” That influence is passed to us from our original parents, Adam and Eve. They were infected with it and have passed down to all their children to this day. Christians need to be continually reminded to seek the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.
Fruit of the Spirit – Part 10 – Self-Control
Self-control in modern culture has gone out of style. It’s not often seen as a solution to our problems. Moderns would rather blame them on heredity, or parents, or the political party we are not a part of, or the culture itself. The Bible, however, offers a different view. There we are told that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit of God in us. In practical terms, what does that mean in a Christian’s daily life?
Fruit of the Spirit – Part 9 – Meekness
Is meekness weakness? Or is it strength? Jesus was meek. But no one thinks he was weak. How is it that meekness is a way of being strong? We examine this issue a biblical perspective in Fruit of the Spirt -Part 9- Meekness.
Fruit of the Spirit – Part 8 – Faithfulness
One of the fruit of the Spirit which Paul mentioned in Galatians 5 was faithfulness, an easy thing for God—faithful is what God is It’s a part of his nature, he remains steady, committed, enduring, honest, ever-present with us. We, on the other hand...
The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 7 – Goodness
One of the proofs that we have the Holy Spirit is the quality of “Goodness.” Do you have it? Goodness—what does the word mean? Check out this presentation to understand what it means when God tells us to be “good.”
The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 6 – Gentleness
We could all come up with a definition of the word, “gentleness.” But what is the Bible definition of the word? Since gentleness is called a fruit of the Spirit in the Bible, it would be good to know what the Bible means by this term. We do that in this presentation.
The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 5 – Patience of God
Patience seems like a difficult but completely human quality. And yet, the Bible highlights a kind of patience beyond the patience of human beings. Paul calls this kind of patience a fruit of the Holy Spirit—Jesus and the Father living in us. What is that kind of patience like? Read more in “The Fruits of the Spirit – Part 5 – Patience of God.”
The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 4 – Peace of God
Trees produce fruit. If you were a tree, what kind of fruit would you produce? The Bible tells us that a Christian has within him or herself the Holy Spirit—the Father and the Son within. One of the fruits of that kind of life is peace from God. Do you have the The Fruit of the Spirit, the Peace of God?
Fruit of the Spirit – Part 3 – Joy
Many people think Joy comes upon us because of benefits they receive or accomplishments they achieve. Consequently, they have no way to think about joy in the face of danger or deficiency. The Bible shows us a different way to experience joy. In this presentation, we explain biblical joy and how to experience it.
The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 2 – Love
In the New Testament, God promises that both He and his son, Jesus, will live in believers by the power of His Spirit. The presence of God in the heart of believers causes real change. The Apostle Paul listed nine specific qualities and behaviors that are the fruit of God’s spirit in a believer. This presentation unpacks the first of these qualities, godly love.
The Fruits of the Spirit – Part 1 – What’s Really Important?
Trees produce fruit. If you were a tree, what kind of fruit would you produce? That would depend on which of two different influences available to you. One is the Holy Spirit—God in us. The other called, in the Bible, “the flesh.” That influence passes to us from our original parents, Adam and Eve. They were infected with it and have passed down to all their children.