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Waging Spiritual Warfare – 3 – Weapons Training

The Apostle Paul, using a clever metaphor, lists the weapons Christians can use to wage spiritual warfare. When we read it we are impressed by how clever Paul was to come up with such an excellent literary device. If we hold to that, without understanding the vital message he conveyed, we’ve missed the whole point. Seriously, what is all this about the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation? Do you know how to swing the sword of the spirit?

Waging Spiritual Warfare – 3 – Weapons Training2022-06-28T13:10:45-06:00

Waging Spiritual War – 6 – Broken Arrow

“Broken Arrow” is a military term used in the Viet Nam war. When command officers, monitoring a battle, heard this code term on their radios, they knew their troops were in danger of being completely overrun. They were to respond with immediate death-dealing air support delivering close-in bombing. We use it here to describe God’s immediate response when we embrace truth and resist lies.

Waging Spiritual War – 6 – Broken Arrow2022-06-28T13:04:44-06:00

Waging Spiritual War – 5 – Resisting Lies with Truth

The Bible tells us that, as Christian Soldiers, our weapons are not physical. We don’t need fighter planes or machine guns. How do we, then, fight “the good fight of faith?” In this presentation, we go into detail about how to wage war against the lies of the adversary.

Waging Spiritual War – 5 – Resisting Lies with Truth2022-06-28T13:06:46-06:00

Waging Spiritual War – 4 – Rules of Engagement

Every army has rules soldiers follow in dealing with the enemy. How do Christian soldiers engage the adversary? What tactics do they use and under what circumstances? How and when do they use their weapons? Do you know the rules for spiritual combat?

Waging Spiritual War – 4 – Rules of Engagement2022-06-28T13:08:58-06:00
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Waging Spiritual War – 2 – Enemy Tactics

In this second part of the series, Waging Spiritual War, we go to boot camp and learn of the enemy’s tactics. We know the devil is a deceiver. He’s so good at it that he has replaced God as “the God of this world.” but how did he do it? We explore his weapons in this presentation.

Waging Spiritual War – 2 – Enemy Tactics2022-06-28T13:15:52-06:00

Waging Spiritual War

Waging Spiritual War

There are numerous references in the Bible about Christianity being a battle

Waging Spiritual War2024-01-08T12:26:04-07:00

Waging Spiritual War – 1 – Enlisting

The Bible refers to the Christian life as spiritual warfare. Why would God want Christians to think of life that way? What does it mean to be at war spiritually in terms of everyday life? What are the advantages? If we don’t think of life as a war, are we missing something?

Waging Spiritual War – 1 – Enlisting2022-06-28T13:17:29-06:00

Human Nature – How We Got It

Modern Christianity teaches that we were born with the bad part of our nature. How can that be, as God made the creation, including Adam and Eve, and said, "This is good?" If we are not born with it, how did we come by it?

Human Nature – How We Got It2024-02-09T06:28:21-07:00

The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 4 – Peace of God

Trees produce fruit. If you were a tree, what kind of fruit would you produce? The Bible tells us that a Christian has within him or herself the Holy Spirit—the Father and the Son within. One of the fruits of that kind of life is peace from God. Do you have the The Fruit of the Spirit, the Peace of God?

The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 4 – Peace of God2022-01-23T08:24:27-07:00

Fruit of the Spirit – Part 3 – Joy

Many people think Joy comes upon us because of benefits they receive or accomplishments they achieve. Consequently, they have no way to think about joy in the face of danger or deficiency. The Bible shows us a different way to experience joy. In this presentation, we explain biblical joy and how to experience it.

Fruit of the Spirit – Part 3 – Joy2022-01-02T06:30:03-07:00
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