Beatitudes Life Application – 2 – Learning to Mourn
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Beatitudes Life Application - 2 - Learning to Mourn The title of our presentation today is Learning to Mourn. It’s part of a series on the beatitudes. It’s
Beatitudes Life Application – 1 – Becoming Poor in Spirit
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Beatitudes Life Application - 1 - Becoming Poor in Spirit We learned, in our previous series on the beatitudes, that Jesus instructed His disciples about seven attitudes, commonly
With all the choices available to us in modern life, it's getting harder to focus on what's important. Recently an exeprience with a teenager helped me rethink my level of committment.
The Law of Attraction
What if God causes us to be blessed, not only for our obedience, but also for our attitude. What if a positive attitude draws blessings? What if, in addition to personally passing out blessings, God also created a universe that simply works well for those who are aligned with His own nature and behavior?
The Beatitudes – 7 – Peacemakers
We read in Isaiah 9:7 that at Christ's return, "Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end." Taking that down to practical reality, it also figures that God places a high value on our ability to be peacemakers. In the Beatitudes Jesus tells us, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God." His statement begs two questions: How do we become peacemakers, and how do we become children of God?
Beatitudes – 6 – Pure in Heart
In the 6th Beatitude Jesus tells us we need to be pure in heart. What is that exactly? Some think of it as being good. But there’s more to it than that. It’s been said there are only two ways of life – God’s way and our way. In James 4:8 we are told, “Purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
The Beatitudes – 5 – Mercy
The previous Beatitude tells us that we must hunger and thirst for righteousness. People who have that hunger realize they are not yet righteous. They are aware of their own failings. They don't see a division between themselves and the unrighteous; they don't think better of themselves; they realize they are in need of mercy; and they consequently tend to treat others in a softer, more merciful way.
The Beatitudes – 4 – Hungering for Righteousness
Most Christians know that Jesus, in the Beatitudes. tells us that if we want to be successful with God the desire to do good, or be righteous, must triumph in the struggle between good and evil. Most Christians might not know, however, that the ability to hunger for righteousness comes from accomplishing the three preceding beatitudes.
The Beatitudes – 3 – Meekness
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT The Beatitudes - 3 - Meekness The Bible says Moses was the meekest man on earth, yet he had a fiery temper. How does that work? Why is meekness so
The Beatitudes – 2 – Mourning
Mourning isn't fun, but it is important for Christians. But what does it mean to mourn in the context of the Beatitudes? How do we acquire this essential attitude?
The Beatitudes – 1 – Poverty of Spirit
Poverty of spirit is square one for Christians - the bedrock attitude. Do we have it? Do we value it? How can we become poor in spirit?
The Beatitudes – Introduction
The Bible is such a deep book that if we gloss over any of it we miss out. The Beatitudes are some of the most ignored words of all that Jesus spoke. And yet, they are some of the most important.
Parenting for Faith – 7 – Affirmation
God said, of Jesus, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." Do we affirm our children so they know they have something to offer to society and to God? Affirmation specific examples and principles to help affirm our children and the children of others.
Parenting for Faith – 6 – Feelings
God tells us we must learn to love with all our heart. How do we teach children to do this? Feelings shows specific things parents and do to help children develop a relationship with God from the heart.
Parenting for Faith – 5 – Choice
God has given humans free will. Consequently, allowing our children to make choices is important. They need to make lots of their own choices, in order to get ready to be adults. This presentation, Choice, is about the freedom our children need to develop. It contains specific strategies to enhance their life experience and faith in God.
Parenting for Faith – 4 – Extension
Most Christians know that God has sent us out into the world to set an example and thereby positively affect those around us. We are the light of the world, Jesus tells us. How do we prepare our children for that God-ordained role? This presentation provides concrete suggestions and examples to help our children extend themselves in a positive way into the world around them
Parenting for Faith – 3 – Success
Helping children experience success in life helps them have faith that they can be successful with God. Learn specific things parents, congregants and ministers can do to help children develop a relationship with God in Success, part of the Parenting for Faith series.
Parenting for Faith – 2 – Safety
Helping children feel safe in their relationship with us helps them feel safe in their relationship with God. This is how we can help our children have faith - a precious gift.
Parenting for Faith – 1 – Relationship
God passes His faith to our children through the relationship we share with them. In this first of the Parenting for Faith series, Relationship, learn dozens of specific things parents can do to strengthen the relationships with their children and thereby help them relate to God.
Evangelism and Youth
Guy Swenson presented, at the Lake Tahoe LifeResource Ministries Feast in 2009, Evangelism and Youth, a powerful example showing how to fire up young people for Jesus Christ.
Adults Honoring Parents 2
How can adult children resolve long-standing differences with parents? The second of this two-part Adults Honoring Parents shows how.
Adults Honoring Parents 1
The Commandment tells us, "Honor your father and your mother." But how does an adult honor a parent that is hurtful or negative? The first of this two-part presentation, Adults Honoring Parents 1, examines what the Bible tells us and offers concrete help.
Evangelism Makes Christianity Real
Guy and Jennifer Swenson attended the LifeResource Ministries Feast of Tabernacles with us at Lake Tahoe this past year. Guy gave an excellent sermon he called Making Christianity Real. I had asked him to speak about the meaning of the Feast, and he managed to do that and talk about need-based evangelism all at the same time.
Fiery Darts
We've known Christians who see demons around every corner, so to speak. These folks often play the "discernment card," believing that their spiritual discernment is greater than that of others, when it could just as easily be the reverse. How does the Devil work in the world today?s To learn more, order Fiery Darts now.
Advantages of NCD
The Churches of God want to grow. But there is something that must come first — congregational health. Natural Church Development is an approach to church health that fits any church, even yours. Advantages of NCD is introductory material for the Church Health series.